Why I love teaching yoga!
Twenty-six of the many reasons I love teaching yoga in no particular order:
1. Meeting lots of cool people from all walks of life.
2. Making a difference, if only a wee bit, in the lives of new moms.
Hillary Easom and me...When we're not looking goofy at Giants games, we're looking goofy teaching yoga. (Check out her classes at Blossom and Samyama.)
3. Hanging out with that gal on the left. Best teacher training partner evah!
4. Supporting women as they become mothers.
5. Moving my body.
6. Making stupid jokes and getting laughs most of the time.
7. Constantly learning new things about the human body. Constantly learning new things about MY human body.
8. Sharing tools to empower mothers in their birth experiences.
9. Watching babies turn into toddlers turn into preschoolers and all of their brain expansion that happens along the way.
10. Holding space for joy, frustration, sadness, pride, anger, excitement, anxiety, confusion, love, fear, silliness, amazement, exhaustion, strength, confidence, insecurity, concern, regret, hope, to name just a few of the thousands of emotions mothers feel.
11. Making new friends.
12. Smelling babies. (They smell so good- it's not creepy at all!)
13. Going to work stressed out and leaving blissed out!
14. Saying Sanskrit words and pretending I speak a language besides English.
15. The most comfortable work wardrobe evah!
16. Answering questions and helping moms understand all of their maternity care options.
17. Conjuring the magical healing powers of yoga! Even though I know how it works and it's not actually magic- it sure feels like magic the way it works so well most of the time.
18. Staying flexible- literally and figuratively.
19. Belonging to two great communities: Blossom and Yoga @ Cindy’s!
Love me some power tools!
20. Supporting yoga instructors to become pre and postnatal yoga instructors and getting to know some really cool gals along the way. (Next training starts August 4 in Palo Alto!)
21. Walking around barefoot and having an excuse to keep my toes pretty. (Write off that pedicure as a business expense!)
22. Maintaining balance and flexibility to get up on ladders with power tools and install clouds on a ceiling.
23. Making cool musical playlists for class.
24. Practicing all the parenting tools (life skills, yo!) I learned at Sunnymont-Westside, the best preschool evah!
25. Great excuse for taking long walks: need to geek out on podcasts about body mechanics to prep for class.
26. Overusing exclamation points!!!!!!