Ninth Annual Holiday Tampon Drive for Bill Wilson Center
It's estimated that over 10,000 people live on the streets of Santa Clara Valley, and many of these individuals are women, children, and teens.
About a decade ago, I saw this video about the luxury of tampons for menstruating people living on the streets. Imagine that- living in a world in which tampons are a luxury! It inspired my daughter, Jeannessa, and me to do something about it. In 2016, we rallied our community and collected over 100 boxes of tampons for the Bill Wilson Center, which offers a myriad of services to support impoverished youth and families. (My friend and doula, Allana used to be a case manager there for young moms getting on their feet.) When we brought the tampons in, we learned they are also in need of underwear, as many kids come to Bill Wilson with just the clothes on their backs, so in 2017, we began collecting underwear and socks, as well.
With the support of The Nesting Spot for Birth & Beyond, Optimize Pelvic Health, and the students and teachers of the California College of Communications, we had very successful drive this year!
Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2024 drive. Together, we collected:
2,003 tampons
1,665 pads/liners
173 pairs of socks
150 pairs of underwear
an assortment of other useful items including postpartum panties, postpartum ice packs, period underwear, adult and juvenile overnight diapers and more!
According to estimates made by the Huffington Post, the average woman uses five liners (or pads, depending on personal preference) and 20 tampons per cycle (if she's changing her tampon every six hours and menstruating for five days). Jul 7, 2017
Thank you so much for your kind generosity!
I have an opened box of tampons/pads that I started to use before I became pregnant. Will you take it?
What about men’s or kids’ underwear/socks?
Yes! Bill Willson serves all genders, and of course, not all menstruating people identify as women. And they serve many children, as well. All sizes needed.
I have leftover stuff from postpartum, like mesh panties and adult diapers. Will you take these?
Yes! Bill Willson has a program to support new parents, so these are useful items.
May I donate used clothing items?
Unfortunately, no. I don’t have the space or resources necessary to sort through used clothing. New basic winterwear items, like sweatshirts and beanies are welcome.
I got busy with the holidays and forgot to drop off my donation before December 31. Is it too late?
We’re all busy and outside of our usual routine the last couple weeks of December, Bill Wilson Center included. I don’t actually drop off the collection to them until life returns to “normal” in January, so ping me if you missed the deadline and we’ll figure out a way to connect before I head to BWC.