Jeanna’s Blog for Parents
The Driving Lesson
Recently during the conversation portion of my Prenatal Yoga class, it occurred to me that the anticipation of teaching my daughter to drive was kind of like the anticipation of labor. Lots of people tell you it's awful. They say, "Just get the epidural!" Every TV drama rushes mom to the OR and every comedy has mom yelling at her partner, "YOU did this to me!!!!" Of course expectant mamas are terrified!
New year, new beginnings!
Also on January 13, the second annual Lotus Blossom Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training started. (What a busy day filled with new beginnings!) Training new teachers is a lot of fun and I am really enjoying the time spent getting to know our new trainees! I think I learn as much from them as they do from my co-lead trainer, Hillary Easom and me. You may meet some of our trainees as…