Jeanna’s Blog for Parents
Make the Holidays Easier with These Pro Tips!
Being a mom, particularly during pregnancy and the first few years is challenging enough on its own- adding the hustle and bustle of the holiday season can push us over the edge! The magic and joy of the season easily gets lost under the extra stress most moms feel at this time of the year. Here are a few tips to reduce the stress and increase the joy this holiday season.
Weight a Minute Before Judging Your Changing Mama Body
Living in a culture that is so weight focused, it’s hard for most moms to make peace with the physical changes that pregnancy and postpartum bring. We are constantly bombarded with photos of hot, seemingly perfect celebrities just weeks after birth. Weight loss ads are everywhere you look. Physically, it often feels just plain weird to be pregnant (and postpartum) and let’s not forget all of the hormones that induce feelings of emotional vulnerability. This is the perfect recipe to make moms super self-conscious about their bodies.
No, the baby is NOT here yet!
If I had a nickel for every time one of my full-term students complained that friends and family keep calling to ask if she’s had the baby, I’d be a rich lady! What do these well-meaning people think? “Oh, Mom, so great to hear from you! Yes, I DID have the baby- last week! Guess I’ve been too busy to mention it. Congratulations, you’re a Grandma!” If you’re a little snarky like me, feel free to try that out on your mom or BFF. After awhile it gets so tiring saying, “nope, not yet…” again.
Why is “Labor” Day in September? A Look at Average Birth Rates by Day of the Year
A quick internet search reveals a history of why Labor Day is held the first Monday of September in the US (and Canada). However, I like to think it may have something to do with the fact that September is the most common month for giving birth!