What is the future of the yoga industry?
First off, let me say that I hate thinking about yoga as an “industry.” This word is rooted in capitalism and I’m not sure the true eight-limbed path is congruent with a system that prioritizes financial gain over all else. That said, we live in a society in which “money=value” and yoga teachers deserve…

Why I chant at the end of my prenatal yoga classes
Lokah Samastah Sukinoh Bavantu
Recently, a student who has practiced with me in a previous pregnancy, asked why I was no longer chanting these beautiful words at the end of my Lotus Blossom class. As mainstream yoga becomes more and more physically focused, teachers like me sometimes worry that chanting in Sanskrit may alienate some practitioners and as we build the program at Lotus Blossom, I was erring on the side of caution.