Jeanna’s Blog for Parents
Taking the "Vrittis" Out of Parenting
…Commonly translated as “Yoga is the cessation of the whirlwinds of the mind,” and regarded as the definition of the practice of yoga, many practitioners understand this to mean the clearing of the mind. For most of us living normal modern lives, this seems like an untenable goal. I certainly cannot seem to get my mind to shut up no matter how hard I try!
Parenting Begins Before Birth
We often refer to the “arrival” of a baby as if this little one doesn’t yet exist or they are going to magically appear from some other place at birth. However, just because a baby is still inside the womb doesn’t mean they are not “here.” Nobody understands this better than the person sharing their body for nine months, give or take. And there are so many things…
It’s World Breastfeeding Week...Again
Thanks to Instagram, I’m aware that it’s once again World Breastfeeding Week! I’m not sure if I didn’t notice because it’s been about eight years since I last breastfed, or if the current state of affairs has me completely lost as to what day it is. (Groundhog’s Day, right?) Oh is indeed the first week of August, hence World BF Week. I’d like to give a shout out to @shishi.rose and her awesome World Breastfeeding Week post that is “not just about the baby. This is a full body experience.” Instead of the term “breastfeeding” (or “chestfeeding”), she called it “body feeding” and she was SPOT ON! My experience with breastfeeding was definitely that!
My Family’s Experience with Cloth Diapers
On July 17, we welcomed Tim Aagard, owner of Tiny Tots Diaper Service, to our Online Parents Group to discuss cloth diapering options. Due to a loss of their laundering supplier, Tiny Tots was recently forced to give up their cloth diapering service, but continues to offer compostable diaper service, cloth diapering products for sale, and education regarding cloth diapering. Listening to Tim invoked a trip down memory lane, and thought it would be helpful to share my family’s experience cloth diapering all three of our children.